Everyone deserves a fairy tale!

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Beauty for Books 13th Annual Holiday Initiative

Published on November 13, 2019 by

Join Us For Our 13th Annual Holiday Initiative! Beauty for Books…Doctors Supporting Literacy Our mission is to improve illiteracy and educational shortages in the underfunded Bay Area elementary public school libraries. Your generous donation will directly benefit children who are

Beauty for Books 12th Annual Holiday Initiative

Published on November 26, 2018 by

Join Us For Our 13th Annual Holiday Initiative! Beauty for Books…Doctors Supporting Literacy Our mission is to improve illiteracy and educational shortages in the underfunded Bay Area elementary public school libraries. Your generous donation will directly benefit children who are

To make a donation and support our cause Donate

Beauty for Books 13th Annual Holiday Initiative

Join Us For Our 13th Annual Holiday Initiative! Our mission is to improve illiteracy and educational shortages in the underfunded Bay Area elementary public school libraries. Your generous donation will directly benefit children who are eager to learn and deserve the necessary educational resources...
